At one point, the Brandywine Valley was a place where most people knew each other. They hung out together at the nearby farm, tavern, or church. This made it easy for neighbors to know and help each other.
Times have changed, we’re busier, and we don’t always know how to help our neighbors. FORCE FOR GOOD exists to help connect those who need a helping hand with those who can provide some assistance.
Light housework
Intro to the area
Ways to Help
• Moving or lifting heavy objects
• Meal preparation
• Shopping and errands
• Light housework, cleanouts
• Introduction to the area
Who Can Help
• Families
• Scout Troops
• Civic groups and clubs
• Churches and places of worship
• Businesses, or anyone with a desire to lend a hand!
For safety reasons, we recommend the “buddy system” of groups of two or more volunteers to help.
How It Works
Fill out the form below indicating how you can help, or how you need help.
Within 48-72 hours, a JunXion volunteer will match you with a group who can help.
You will receive an email at the provided address introducing you to your neighbor.
We’ll leave it up to you to contact your “helper” on your own time and initiative.
We’ll follow-up in a week or two to see how it went.
Join Dozens of Your Neighbors in the Force for Good!
Publishers Note About the Flood Recovery
Click to enlarge.
Greet Brandywine Valley pays all processing fees to enable 100% of donations to go to area residents in coordination with local community leaders.
If you sign up to be connected to a neighbor, either to help or to receive help, we will connect you to each other via email using the email address you provide. We will not share any more information including address or phone number. We leave it to each person to determine how they want to connect beyond the initial introduction.