Our Editorial Approach


Positive Light

Our goal is to provide an uplifting publication featuring stories of local residents. We do not pursue controversial topics or investigative journalism.

Own Voice

Most articles are written by residents and, even when we employ a writer to help polish a story, the goal is always to present the story in the voice of the resident and use their exact words as much as possible.

Tight Deadlines

We have a streamlined editorial and proofing process that does not allow for extra rounds of proofing by sponsors, residents, or writers. We also do not promise story position or publishing dates since we often make last-minute adjustments.

Track Record

Our team has worked with top publications worldwide, and over the past few years, we’ve helped hundreds of area residents and families share their stories. From notable residents to the “girl next door,” we treat every story like the wonderful gem it is.


The large majority of the content we publish is submitted by volunteers who are passionate about the subject and community. On the occasions when we do hire freelance writers or photographers to help polish a story, we pay between $50-$150 per story via Venmo.

As a hyper-local publication, our team takes great pride in creating Greet Brandywine Valley. A curious bunch, it brings us joy to share stories that may otherwise not be told and do so in a way that honors the storyteller while connecting the community.

Interested to join the team? Click here to begin the process.